Wednesday, September 25, 2024

The Karma Chronicles: BOOM BOOM

So things have been going pretty well until Thursday night. Well pretty much okay; my Dad went away for an eternity last week  (I am not so good at knowing how long anything takes), apparently it was less than a week) but he left me with a nice guy called Roossel who appeared in our guest room as if by magic one day. He took me to town on walks and fed me on time, and is pretty tranquilo. Compared to the female who he left me with when he went to Mexico (wherever that is) to meet my buddy Kasem. She didn't take me out much and didn't have much of a clue how to speak to me Roosel is a dream by comparison. Daddy says to speak to me like I'm a human 4yrs old which is kind of humiliating given I'm at least 70 in human years, but I get it, dogs don't exactly have the same mental capacity as humans but sheesh, a 4yrs old?

Anyway last Thursday there began 3 nights of partying in town. Apparently it was the celebration of the patron Saint of Vilcabamba, where I live, the Saint of Good Hope. I was only hoping it would end much faster than it did. One of the favourite things here are these boom booms... they begin as a high pitch whistle which stands the hairs on my back on end and are followed by a percussive boom. This really reverberates in my inner ear and shocks my sympathetic nervous system into a state of fright (yes I am well versed in these things because Daddy is an osteopath and talks about this stuff to his clients). Usually they come in pairs or threes and they drive me mad. I hate them, makes me nervous as hell and pathetically scared. I don't know why this is. I was not exposed to these much as a pup growing up in Kathmandu and Yangon but as an adult, holy crap they traumatise me. Daddy is great, he soothes me and I retreat to the corner of his bedroom (usually sleep like Harry Potter under the stairs) so this is a treat to sleep with Daddy who I love so much. He is my person. I don't eat much either when I'm in this state and he keeps my food bowl full, and gives me bone treats too, yum.

And it's not only that but for 3 nights in a row, these booms were accompanied by fireworks and SUPER loud music coming from town. I've been down there to the central square of our town Vilcabamba and sure enough there is a stage set up and ginormous speakers pointing west straight up the hill to where I live. Now, don't get me wrong, I like music and the idea that people are having fun dancing and socializing and whatnot is fine, but the boom booms and the's all a bit much. It goes on for hours, sometimes until 2 in the morning, how is a dog supposed to get his beauty sleep I ask ya?

Here we are on Sunday night, I have hardly eaten all weekend, Daddy is a bit worried about me, and I'm spending my time cowering in his room or Roossel's waiting for that next whistle leading to the next BOOM! 

Update: I'm feeling much better and am eating again, Daddy is happy for me, and things are finding a good balance again. I love to run, but Daddy has his neck in a thing and he seems to be in pain, so I just run behind the truck when he goes to and from town until he can ride his bike again. Not the end of the world for this dog named Karma.

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