(in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a Masters in Transnational Organized Crime, 'Crimes of the Powerful',
January 2011 - Daniel G. Pugh, full version available upon request)
January 2011 - Daniel G. Pugh, full version available upon request)
To what extent can the growth of the Athabasca Tar Sands in Alberta, Canada be said to represent a crime against the future generations.
As industry has
expanded to meet the demands of the global economy so has the need for oil and
gas. Issues arising from this growth include whether the excesses of exploiting
natural resources today infringe on the rights of future generations as fossil
fuel emissions are causing dramatic changes to life on earth and continued
exploitation reduces energy futures. Rising in prominence in the oil and gas
industry are the Athabasca Tar Sands in Alberta, Canada receiving considerable
geopolitical and economic attention for their enormous potential and
increasingly affordable access. It is important to understand the externalities
that have brought the demand for tar sands oil onto the world stage and then to
consider how the myriad consequences resulting from the oil extraction process
impact the environment and livelihoods and whether these constitute a crime
against future generations.
The increase in
global demand for oil and gas has relevant effect on the importance of tar
sands reserves. Estimates on current global dependency on oil suggest 40% for
energy use and 95% for transportation (EndOilAid, 2010). The Athabasca tar
sands are thought to be the largest hydrocarbon deposits and second largest
recoverable oil reserves in the world after the Saudi fields with a volume
potential of 175 to 200 billion barrels of oil (McCullum, 2006:10).
The viability of
the Athabasca tar sands is dependent on the cost of extraction which is
estimated to be US$9 -14 per barrel of WTI1 (National Energy Board, 2006: 3) versus the price of oil. During the 1990s and 2000s and even as demand
grew the price of a barrel of WTI remained relatively stable hovering under
US$25 per barrel (WTRG Economics, 2009) and so related to the cost of extraction it was uncompetitive to buy
tar sands oil compared to extraction costs of US$1 per barrel from Saudi
fields. Amidst concerns over limits to supply caused by extreme weather events
and instability in oil producing nations the price of oil started to show
significant increases in the mid-2000s peaking at US$132 per barrel in May,
2008 (Ibid). As a result the economics of tar sand oil extraction started
looking much more attractive, the National Energy Board indicates that US$35-35
will bring a 10% rate of return to producers (National Energy Board, 2006: 5). The current cost for a barrel of Texas Crude is US$91.54 (Bloomberg, 2010).
Another dominant
externality explaining the recent rise of tar sands prominence is geopolitics.
The shift in US energy policy and that of China to decrease their dependency on
Middle Eastern oil sources has focused interest on the Athabasca tar sands.
This is a shift for the USA who many believe invaded Iraq “which arguably had
more to do with securing greater control over Middle East oil deposits than
fighting the war on terror”(Clarke, 2008: 9). The Bush era policy to look closer to home for oil (McCullum, 2006: 5) continues under the Obama administration; in 2009 the USA State
Department approved the development of the Alberta Clipper pipeline to carry
crude oil from the Athabasca fields “increasing the diversity of available
supplies among the United States’ worldwide crude oil sources in a time of
considerable political tension in other major oil producing countries” (U.S.Dept. of State, 2009). PetroChina is 40% underwriter of the controversial Enbridge Northern
Gateway pipeline that will open a major tanker port at Kitimat, British
Colombia bringing over 200 tankers per year through dangerous waters along a
pristine wilderness coastline on a route normally plied by cruise liners. (McCullum, 2006: 15).
The tar sands became economically viable and geopolitically important
when the world reached ‘peak oil’ probably the dominant externality in tar
sands development. Tony Clarke
(2008) explains that, peak oil means the extraction of oil from conventional
sources has peaked, from now on to meet future energy demands non-conventional
means (like tar sands extraction) will increasingly need to be exploited (Clarke 2008:10). The future holds higher financial and environmental costs.
Costs and future
threats can be viewed as harms, damaging the global environment, the ecology of
northern Alberta and the health, livelihoods and social well being of
locally-based communities as well as compromising the energy security of
Canada.(Hatch, 2008),(Greenpeace Canada, 2008),(Greenpeace Canada, 2009). It seems clear with the litany of harms being meted out to the
environment and local communities that we can assume Trans National Corporations involved in tar sands
development are not interested in the needs of future generations. This follows
the logic of Ramsay (1984) cited in Cartwright (2001) asking what could be
assumed when there seems to be unfair advantage in the market place. Cartwright
goes on to suggest that when this happens, further regulation is needed (2001: 5 -6) and indeed this is the case in northern Alberta.
Viewing the situation through the lens of opportunity perspective, criminality
of tar sands activity is hard to ascertain when the weak regulatory regime allows
for the installation and continuation of industrial processes that pollute the
air and water jeopardizing the health of communities and the ecosystem ((Hatch, 2008: 19). For
example the Fisheries Act and Canadian Environmental Protection Act could
together prosecute companies for toxic seepage into waterways from tailing
ponds. Currently the federal government leaves monitoring up to provincial
regulators who in turn ‘require’ companies to self monitor seepage and
pollution of waterways (Environmental Defence 2010b:10 -11),(Hatch, 2008: 22).
This passing of responsibility betrays the sincerity of Canada’s policy makers
and politicians who have a well-established record of close association with
business for personal advancement and lobbying on behalf of corporations against the interests of the public (Stewart, 2010).
The Polaris Institute provides evidence in a profile of Enbridge Inc3 that describes “widespread political lobbying and influence
in Canada” and the revolving door method of recruitment from within politics
and government and back to business demonstrating their modality of operations in
Canada (Girard, 2010: 37 - 41).
Certainly the situation provides considerable opportunity for companies
to act outside of ethical boundaries (in the absence of regulation) but it also
provides for a normalization of deviance and questionable corporate practices.
The idea that companies can act beyond reproach, is akin to (and likely part
of) the culture of complacency that is emerging as a significant causal factor
in the Deepwater Horizon incident (National Oil Spill Commission, 2011). After years of lobbying by environmental groups, the Commissioner for
the Environment and Development admitted in December 2010 “there are unacceptable gaps
in the federal monitoring of fresh water” (Vaughn, 2010: 2).
Reacting to this report and one by the Royal Society of Canada (2010) (and
possibly now worrying about future liability issues) the federal government has
ordered the immediate implementation of appropriate monitoring mechanisms in
Alberta (Simieritsch, 2011).
The extent of criminality of
this activity in the oil and gas industry is not perhaps the pertinent question
for the present although it may be in the future. Economic interests presently
drive and motivate the people involved in TNCs and government, raising ethical
and moral questions about harms that
show a disturbing disregard for future generations. It seems the popular way of
thinking is that technology will solve everything and that our present
activities will simply be managed in the future, a simplistic and naive
perspective. Ironically it may be globalization that comes to the rescue. There
has been much recent criticism in Canada for failing to ‘harmonize’ with other
countries especially the USA where the Environmental Protection Agency is
making clear moves to regulate green house gas emissions in industry (McCarthy, 2011). If the Canadian government can shift from an approach that does not
account for future generations to one that does then perhaps there is hope for
the future. In the Athabasca tar sands, what may be immoral today may be illegal
Bloomberg, 2010. Energy & Oil Prices:
Natural Gas, Electricity and Oil - Bloomberg. Available at:
http://www.bloomberg.com/energy/ [Accessed January 15, 2011].
Cartwright, p, 2001. Consumer protection and
the criminal ... - Google Books, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Available at:
[Accessed January 17, 2011].
Clarke, T., 2008. Tar Sands Showdown |
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, Ottawa: Canadian Centre for Policy
Alternatives. Available at: http://www.policyalternatives.ca/publications/reports/tar-sands-showdown
[Accessed January 15, 2011].
Environmental Defence, 2010. Duty Calls:
Federal Responsibility in Canada’s Oil Sands | Environmental Defence,
Toronto: Environmental Defence. Available at: http://environmentaldefence.ca/reports/duty-calls-federal-responsibility-canada%E2%80%99s-oil-sands-0
[Accessed January 12, 2011].
Girard, R., 2010. Corporate Profile of
Enbridge Inc. | Polaris Institute, Ottawa: Polaris Institute. Available at:
http://polarisinstitute.org/corporate_profile_of_enbridge_inc [Accessed January
17, 2011].
Greenpeace Canada, 2009. Threats: Energy
security | Greenpeace Canada. Available at:
[Accessed January 21, 2011].
Greenpeace Canada, 2008. Threats: Social costs |
Greenpeace Canada. Available at:
[Accessed January 21, 2011].
Hatch, C. & Price, M., 2008. Canada's
Toxic Tar Sands: The Most Destructive Project on Earth | Environmental Defence,
Toronto: Environmental Defence. Available at:
[Accessed January 20, 2011].
McCarthy, S., 2011. U.S. to impose new emission
rules on power plants, refineries - The Globe and Mail. Available at:
[Accessed January 17, 2011].
McCullum, H., 2006. Fuelling Fortress America
:: Parkland Research :: Parkland Institute, Edmonton: Parkland Institute.
Available at:
[Accessed January 12, 2011].
National Energy Board, 2006. NEB - Energy
Reports - Canada's Oil Sands - Opportunities and Challenges to 2015: An
Update - Questions and Answers, Calgary: National Energy Board.
Available at: http://www.neb.gc.ca/clf-nsi/rnrgynfmtn/nrgyrprt/lsnd/pprtntsndchllngs20152006/qapprtntsndchllngs20152006-eng.html
[Accessed January 17, 2011].
National Oil Spill Commission, 2011. National
Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling |,
Washington: National Oil Spill Commission. Available at:
http://www.oilspillcommission.gov/ [Accessed January 17, 2011].
Price, M., 2008. The Tar Sands Leaking Legacy,
Toronto: Environmental Defence. Available at:
[Accessed December 12, 2011].
Simieritsch, T, 2011. Water monitoring 101: what
to make of the 2010 flood of oil sands reports | Pembina Institute. Available
at: http://www.pembina.org/blog/460 [Accessed January 17, 2011].
Stewart, K., 2010. Putting pressure on companies
to clean up tar sands “simply nutty”: Canadian government official | Greenpeace
Canada. Putting pressure on companies to clean up tar sands "simply
nutty": Canadian government official. Available at:
[Accessed January 20, 2011].
U.S.Dept. of State, 2009. Permit for Alberta
Clipper Pipeline Issued. Available at:
http://www.state.gov/r/pa/prs/ps/2009/aug/128164.htm [Accessed January 15, 2011].
Vaughn, S., 2010. 2010 Report of the
Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development to the House of
Commons, Ottawa: Office of the Auditor General. Available at:
http://www.oag-bvg.gc.ca/internet/English/parl_cesd_201012_00_e_34423.html [Accessed
January 17, 2011].
WTRG Economics, 2009. OPEC Crude Oil Production
1990 - 2009. Available at: http://www.wtrg.com/oil_graphs/PAPRPOP90.gif
[Accessed January 15, 2011].
[1] A common
standard for a barrel of oil is a barrel of Western Texas Intermediate crude
oil (WTI) or simply Texas crude.
[2] Personal
knowledge of the learner who lived in Alberta since 1967.
[3] Enbridge
is the company that will likely build the Northern Gateway pipeline and the
Alberta Clipper referred to earlier.
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